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Toilet Training

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                                         Good Luck Charlie: Potty Training Charlie                      [MUST SEE]   By: Karia J

“Good luck Charlie” is a great parenting show on Family channel that consists of Comedy and parenting styles. It’s a comedy about a new baby named Charlie who is a new member in the Duncan family. Her big sister, Teddy, makes a day by day documentary for Charlie for when she gets older. In this TV episode, Charlie’s mother relies on a TV show to help encourage Charlie. This is a great way to help children learn. What I do not agree with, and they later find out was a mistake, is putting a time limit on the process.

Cooper, C., & Biringer, A. (2004). Johnson’s mother & baby . Toronto: Dorling Kindersley.

Johnson’s Mother  & Baby. Canadian Edition.

This Reference book is very educational for parents who feel they need background information before they proceed with potty training their child. The information presented in this book is well researched and very helpful and can be greatly beneficial. They present well thought out ways to connect to parents so they feel they have control over a life changing step for their child. It is divided into topics so it’s easy to jump right into certain concerns. Highly recommended.

Can be purchased:


Kids with Autistic challenges suffer same, if not worst, challenges when it comes to being toilet trained. This website http://www.bbbautism.com/pdf/article_25_toilet_training.pdf comments and advice on how to handle obstacle, that children of these standards need to overcome. They introduce ways how to approach the subject; verbal wise, how to rule out any medical issues, and most importantly; commitment and how to stick with one method. This .PDF website is very helpful in my opinion and will be of great use for any children not specifically Autistic. I like the fact that they address issues with children with challenges and it’s a great read.

Heffner, G. J. (2002, May 9). Toilet Training. BBB AUTISM SUPPORT NETWORK. Retrieved June 10, 2011, from www.bbbautism.com/pdf/article

Coaching a child through toilet training is an essential step, but not the only action that can be taken towards giving your toddler confidence. Read is Fiction book like the potty train is a great way to connect and give your toddler emotional support. This book is a fun way to introduce or continue to support the achievements accomplished and to come. Reading other fictional stories can better benefit you and your child. I think this book is very helpful and colourful.


Hochman, D., Kennison, R., & Anderson, D. (2008). The potty train . New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers.

Written by mrkeogh

May 31, 2011 at 3:22 pm

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